We’ve been running into Chicago based film maker Rusty Nails a fair bit lately. See, though he’s based in the Windy City he’s been spending a great deal of time here in Toronto, hard at work documenting the life and career of transplanted film maker George A. Romero for his comprehensive new film Dead On: The Life And Cinema Of George A. Romero. Nails has been working on this literally for years and has amassed hundreds of hours of interview footage, footage which impressed not only with the subjects he got access to - literally everyone with any significant connection to the zombie auteur is in here - but with the comfortable, easy nature of the interviews themselves when Nails gave a sneak peek at the film before a recent live appearance by Romero himself. The project is finally nearing completion - though Nails is still looking to get in touch with people who have old articles, photos and other Romero memorabilia - and we’ve got the first trailer for you. You’ll find it embedded in the Twitch Player below the break.
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