domingo, mayo 11, 2008

Godzilla destroys Tokyo!!!

Cool scene from Always 2. Godzilla destroys Tokyo.
I thought that Always: Sunset on Third Street was one of the best films of 2006. It was funny, amazing to look at and made me cry like a girl. It shamelessly tugged on every string in your body but did it so well that it’s become one of my all time favorites. The film was a big hit in Japan and of course a sequel was kicked in to gear shortly after it swept most of the Academy awards in its country.
I haven’t heard much in terms of story in the sequel but we do know that the King of the Monsters, Godzilla, makes an appearance in a couple of scenes. The new design for Godzilla, fully CGI this time, is one of the best I’ve seen, more reminiscent of Suzuke Kaneko’s Godzilla rather than Ishiro Honda’s original design.
A scene has appeared online (actually a month ago) that features the big G’s attack on Tokyo. It looks bad ass and it makes me wonder why none of the official Godzilla films looked this good. You can get a glimpse of Godzilla himself near the end of the clip and listen to Ifukube’s iconic score through the destruction.
The DVD hits the stores on the 21st this month so be sure to check that out as well.

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