domingo, agosto 03, 2008

'Red Sonja'

Aparecieron en la pasada edición de la Comic-Con de San Diego, se trata de los dos primeros posters de ‘Red Sonja’, que, como os dijimos en su momento, estará producida por Robert Rodriguez y protagonizada por Rose McGowan, al parecer, su pareja en la vida real tras haber trabajado juntos en ‘Planet Terror’. Dirigirá Douglas Aarniokoski.

Estos carteles sirven para dejar dos cosas claras: habrá sangre, y fin a los rumores que situaban a Jessica Alba al frente del proyecto. Creo que está mejor así.

Red Sonja trailer 1985.(Brigitte Nielsen)
Director: Richard Fleischer starring Brigitte Nielsen with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sandahl Bergman.

Conan III in all but name. Sandahl Bergman was initially cast as the title character, but decided on portraying "Queen Gedren" instead, to help avoid typecasting.

It is commonly believed that Robert E. Howard created the character of Red Sonja in one of his Conan short stories. In reality, he created a character with a similar name (Red Sonya) that appeared in a minor role in a non-fantasy work of historical fiction. "Red Sonja", the character popularized by the 1985 movie, actually first appeared in a Conan comic book written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Barry Windsor-Smith.

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