martes, octubre 17, 2006

Computerman episodio 1 (JACK BLACK)

Perhaps one of our more high profile shows, due to the casting of Jack Black in the title role. Computerman is the fourth of the original five Prime Time shows that premiered at Thoi on Vine. When the original concept became stale, it was reborn as a space-faring epic, and after taking part in a historic crossover with Time Belt, it was again reborn as a cartoon adventure, at which point the audience had enough. Computerman was eaten by Doug TeNnapel's hungry Sockbaby at the January 2004 screening.

BUENO no se porque no lo habia puesto antes , la cosa es que ya esta en ALTANIMA!, disfruten esta saga epica con efectos en 9 dimenciones , si hay que comprase tres lentes 3d y ponerselos uno sobre el otro...
Para ver la saga entera solo tienen que bajar los capitulo en: