COWBOY BEBOP Going Live Action
‘Tis the season for live action anime adaptations. Already on the ‘coming soon’ list are Spielberg’s spin on Ghost in the Shell, DiCaprio’s Akira and Tobey Maguire’s Robotech and now you can add to the list a 20th Century Fox-produced live action version of Shinichiro Watanabe’s Cowboy Bebop.
Now, Bebop is a show that could work beautifully in live action if done correctly and rumors of a live action version have circulated for years. When Watanabe was here in Toronto for the Worldwide Short Film Festival earlier this summer I put the question of a future live action version to him directly, to which he just smiled and commented that “That would be up to Hollywood.” And apparently Hollywood says yes. With further questioning Watanabe also spilled that he is currently preparing new animated and live action projects though he would not comment at all on what the new projects were, which at least opens up the possibility that he may have a hand in the Hollywood Bebop.
‘Tis the season for live action anime adaptations. Already on the ‘coming soon’ list are Spielberg’s spin on Ghost in the Shell, DiCaprio’s Akira and Tobey Maguire’s Robotech and now you can add to the list a 20th Century Fox-produced live action version of Shinichiro Watanabe’s Cowboy Bebop.

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