Retro Duo NES/SNES Game System

If you put your hand far enough into the crack of your couch in the basement you're likely to find an old SNES game cartridge... reach a little further and out comes a pop rock encrusted NES cartridge. Problem is, no matter how far you burrow, you'll never come up with a full Nintendo classic game system... and you'll never ever find a system that plays both NES and SNES games. Well luckily the Retro Duo NES/SNES Game System is here to solve all your 8 and 16 bit gaming needs. Two top loading cartridge slots, one for NES the other for SNES, ensure full compatibility with all your old games... and it's completely couch lint free! Controllers are included of course, or you can plug in your own original SNES controllers for 100% accurate gaming nostalgia.
Etiquetas: NOTICIAS
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